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Acupressure Neck Massage


Welcome to Phoenix Deep Tissue Therapy. I am Hannah Hall, a soft tissue therapist in Fleet. My passion is using soft tissue therapy, which combines massage, soft tissue techniques and rehabilitation exercises, to help people with their pain and injuries and enable them to achieve their goals. Whether the aim is to be in less pain, to sleep better, to carry on doing the things you love - whether that's a sport, the gardening, or playing with the grandkids - or to recover after an injury or an operation, I will deliver a treatment tailored to each individual. 


Most of us have aches and pains from time to time caused by soft tissue dysfunction, but many of us just tolerate these discomforts, or wait until they become fully blown injuries to get them treated. As well as being able to treat injuries, massage can identify problem areas early and thereby help to prevent injuries before they occur. For sports people, it can allow you to train harder, prepare for optimal performance for an event, or recover more quickly afterwards. As a fitness instructor and passionate runner, I love treating people from a sporting background and helping them to achieve their goals. And of course, massage is good for the mind as well as the body, as treatment can lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone levels. It's a chance to just take a bit of time out from a busy world and focus on yourself.

And soft tissue therapy is more than just sports massage, it is a person centred approach to the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of minor and chronic musculoskeletal pain and injury. I can offer rehabilitation exercises and advice, helping my clients to take control of their pain or injury.




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